Microweddingstoronto.com SEO Analysis

Pagespeed Score
Desktop 65/100
Mobile 24/100
Optimization Stats
Field Data Result
Page Size 258 KB
Compression NO
Text/Html Ratio 5988 / 264335 (bytes) = 2.27%
Load Time 1.92 second
Mobile Ready 96/100
In-Page Links 10
Doc Type XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Encoding UTF-8
Declared Language Unknown
Preferred Domain Yes
Robots.txt No
Url Rewrite No
Underscores in url No
Images Without ALT 5 / 5
Embedded Objects (Desktop) No
Embedded Objects (Mobile) Yes
Iframe Yes
Custom 404 page No
Email Privacy Yes
Gsafe browsing Yes
Analytics Yes
W3C Validity No
Keyword Consistency
Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
none 75
weddings 25
coach 25
house 25
home 2
enter 2
password 1
please 1
given 1
youin 1
field 1
view 1
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back to galleries 1

April, 2 2020

With 1.92 seconds in page load, 258 KB of page size and all other reports below, the microweddingstoronto.com has a SEO score of 48 out of 100

Meta tags data
Title Coach House Weddings
Description Why go to City Hall? Intimate, elegant and stress free pop up and pop in weddings that include everything but the dress.
Keyword Mississauga, city hall, micro wedding, garden, small, country in the city, simple, backyard, vow renewal, baptisms, Low cost, affordable ceremony, cheap, Etobicoke, Toronto, gay, lesbian, same sex, LGBTQ, rainbow, gay friendly, chapel, courtyard, outdoor, funeral, celebration of life, intimate, Ontario, Canada, elope, elopement, destination, photography, photographer, photo, officiant, minister, priest, John Marchant, Andrea Marchant, Katherine Lima, JT Video, Port Credit, Oakville, church, wedding cake, video, videography, videographer, Coach House Weddings, As It Happens Photography, wedding ceremony, pop up wedding, pop in wedding, pop up, pop in, micro wedding, gay wedding, lesbian wedding, park wedding
Domain Registration
Age 0 Years, 4 Days
Created 29th-Mar-2020
Updated 29th-Mar-2020
Expiry 29th-Mar-2022
DNS Data
Host Type Ttl Other
http Headers
No match for "m" in the registrar database.

Server Location
Server IP
Server Location United States
Service Provider GoDaddy.com, LLC
Domain Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
microweddingstoronto.net Available
microweddingstoronto.org Available
microweddingstoronto.biz Already Registered
microweddingstoronto.io Already Registered
microweddingstoronto.info Available
Typo Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
microwedingstoronto.com Available
nicroweddingstoronto.com Available
hicroweddingstoronto.com Available
jicroweddingstoronto.com Available
kicroweddingstoronto.com Available
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